Friday, June 10, 2011

Rain drops and lollypops

My life, before it all began? well, what can I say? It was just like any normal Childs life, carefree, playing cricket and lots of it... to the minute where your legs can’t take it anymore. Walking in the rain and shaking the water drops off the trees just so you can get drenched that little bit more. 
 Knocking on the neighbours doors and doing a runner, was the most exciting rush at the time, running to the corner shop without your parents knowing to buy a slurpee or a chocolate was the biggest thing ever, that you would do against your parents’ knowledge. Liking a boy at school or at some other occasion was the biggest secret ever and was written in your diary with a little lock up key. 

Sitting at school and when the clock reached 3pm we would pack up our books to run for the door and it seemed to be the longest 15mins of your life waiting for the bell to ring and you thought you were the coolest person by getting out of the class room first. Trying to get home in time to watch saved by the bell and round the twist. 
I don’t know about anyone else but I always wished I was apart of the baby sitters club and then I tried to make my own club with my cousins, I’m sure most of us tried that, but of course it wasn’t as good but the slumber parties did last for a while. 
The only day of the week worth waking up early was on Saturday to watch Saturday Disney and cartoons. Oh yes back in the days of my childhood was the days of the walkman and anyone with a double story house was considered rich. It was the time when being able to rap the rhyme from The fresh prince of Bel Air was essential.

1 comment:

  1. This was our childhood! Wish i cld go back n do it all ova agen...even though u was a big bully to me as we were yoyng loll :p
